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Menopause and Homeopathy


Menopause is the natural biological event faced by women that lead to permanent end of menses. Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual period for 12 months. The process of menopause does not occur overnight, but rather is gradual process. This so called peri-menopausal period is different for every woman. The average of menopause is 45 to 52 yrs of age, although it may start as early as the late thirties and late forties.

Symptoms of menopause:

Symptoms of menopause are different for different women. One may does not have any symptom the other having many symptoms. The menopausal symptoms are discussed below:


  • Irregular menstrual bleeding:

Irregular vaginal bleeding may occur as women reaches menopause. Some women have minimal problems with the abnormal bleeding during the prior time to menopause whereas others have unpredictable, excessive bleeding. There is no “normal” pattern of bleeding during the menopause and the pattern may vary from women to women. It is common for women in peri menopause to have a period after going for several months without one. There is also no set of length of time to complete the menopausal transition.


  • Hot flashes and night sweats:

Hot flashes are common among women undergoing menopause. A hot flash is a feeling of warmth that spreads over the body is often most pronounced in head and chest. Hot flashes usually last from 30 sec to several minutes. Sometimes hot flashes are accompanied with night sweats (episode of drenching sweats at nighttime). This may lead to awakening and difficulty in falling asleep again, resulting in un- refreshing sleep and day time tiredness.


  • Vaginal symptoms:

Vaginal symptoms occur as a result of lining of the vagina becoming thinner, drier and less elastic as estrogen levels falls. The symptoms may include vaginal dryness, itching etc.


  • Urinary symptoms:

The lining of urethra also undergoes changes similar to the tissues of the vagina and becomes drier, thinner and less elastic with the declining estrogen. This can lead to the increased risk of urinary tract infection and urinary incontinence.


  • Emotional and cognitive symptoms:

Women in peri-menopause often report a verity of thinking (cognitive) and/or emotional symptoms including fatigue, memory problems, irritability, and mood changes.


  • Other physical symptoms:

Some women face problems like weight gain, osteoporosis (weak bones) and hair loss.



Homeopathic treatment for Menopause:


Homeopathy is the natural and safest for the peri –menopausal and menopausal problems. There is also controversy regarding the use of hormones during menopause so in that case homeopathy is very effective and with no side effects. It helps to cure not only the physical problems but also the emotional disturbances the woman feels in during menopause. Homeopathy has many remedies for menopause like Lachesis, sepia, ignetia, graphites, natrum muriaticum etc. the homeopathic remedies should be taken with the consultation of homeopathic physician.

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